how we support families


Our goal is to help parents access a wide range of resources including after school enrichment, aid for essential needs, parenting education, tutoring referrals, and mental health services.

family resources

After School Program

SchoolPower administers the after school programs at TOW and El Morro. Families can choose from a robust selection of enrichment classes including free classes provided by LBUSD, plus fee-based sports, arts, and STEM classes curated by SchoolPower.

Parenting Book Club

Our parenting book club is designed to build a culture of informed and connected parents in Laguna Beach. All LBUSD parents are invited to join us throughout the year as we read three books together.

Family Support Services

The Family Resource Center (FRC) is a new and evolving partnership between SchoolPower and LBUSD. As a part of the Family Resource Center, SchoolPower offers family support services including aid for essential needs, scholarships for extracurricular and summer activities, tutoring referrals, and mental health resources. Families can reach out for support by completing our intake form or contact Cara Borkovec, SchoolPower’s family support specialist.

Student Directory App

For over 20 years, SchoolPower’s Student Directory has connected Laguna families to each other and to the generous local businesses that support our schools. LBUSD families have free access to the SchoolPower Student Directory App, as a gift from SchoolPower.