about us
SchoolPower is the parent volunteer-based, non-profit education foundation that has raised money for Laguna Beach public schools since 1981.
SchoolPower’s mission is to enrich the education and support the well-being of all children in the Laguna Beach Unified School District.

Enrichment & Support for All Students
We achieve our mission by helping to support a wide range of programs at our schools, including academics, athletics, music, visual and performing arts, student experiences, and social emotional support.
Each year SchoolPower contributes to the four Laguna Beach public schools — El Morro Elementary, Top of the World Elementary, Thurston Middle School and Laguna Beach High School — through our grant program, as well as donor-designated funds that go directly to classrooms, programs, PTAs, athletics and boosters. This allows our talented teachers and administrators to dream big and provide a world-class public education for all Laguna Beach students, as they grow from TK through 12th grade.
In addition, funds raised support the Family Resource Center. The goal is to help parents access a wide range of district and community resources including academic support, summer enrichment, economic assistance – or anything else. The Family Resource Center is a place for Laguna Beach families to ask questions, seek help, and find support, connection, and community.
A percentage of the annual money raised also sustains the SchoolPower Endowment Foundation, which supports the long-term sustainability of SchoolPower.
SchoolPower is the oldest education foundation in Orange County
Students in Laguna Beach Unified School District who benefit from your donation.
Contributed by SchoolPower to Laguna Beach public schools in the past five years.
Driven by Impact
SchoolPower works closely with the district to determine where our donors’ dollars can have the greatest impact on each and every student in the district. SchoolPower’s support enables the district to accomplish ambitious goals faster and creates an environment that encourages innovation and advancement.
SchoolPower is governed by a board of trustees, most of whom are parents of LBUSD students. Our success depends on a multitude of hard-working volunteers, a small, dedicated staff and a generous community. Each year, we fundraise through our annual campaign, several events, and sponsorship programs. Our goal is to bring the entire community together in support of local public schools.

LBUSD & SchoolPower Guiding Principles
The invaluable partnership between Laguna Beach Unified School District and SchoolPower is guided by a set of principles designed to ensure the impact of funding is maximized to result in a positive contribution to the educational experience of our students.
School Board-approved funding proposals, developed by District Staff to align with and support District goals, are presented to SchoolPower annually, and updated regularly, as circumstances change. SchoolPower determines which proposals to fund and makes annual funding commitments, based on factors such as district priority, donor base resonance and impact across disciplines, grade levels and schools. Laguna Beach Unified School District team and SchoolPower leaders meet regularly to collaboratively identify possible funding targets.
As donation stewards, the Laguna Beach Unified School District and SchoolPower commit to a four part pledge:
- Funding proposals will be aligned with and support the Strategic Goals of the Laguna Beach Unified School District.
- All funding proposals will be clearly described, including the expected impact of the donation, so potential donors are able to make informed decisions.
- Funding proposals will be validated to ensure that there is support and concurrence within the Laguna Beach Unified School District, including the Governing Board, administrators, teachers, and staff.
- The impact of SchoolPower donations will be incorporated into public presentations to the School Board as part of its regular Strategic Goals evaluation process. Where District staff deem appropriate, the impact of SchoolPower funding will be promoted to increase community awareness (e.g., parent-attended music programs, back to school night, etc.). District staff will provide SchoolPower with regular progress reports each year regarding the impact of SchoolPower funded programs and initiatives. SchoolPower will share this information with the donor base.